Birding For Conservation

Although Panama is known worldwide for the engineering marvel that is the Panama Canal, its vast array of natural and cultural wonders have also been gaining attention in recent years.

Panama hosts an amazing biodiversity, with more than 1,000 species of birds – more than the USA and Canada combined! This is because, despite its small size, Panama has a variety of habitats, from dry tropical "deserts" to lush tropical rainforests, high-elevation cloud forests, and coastal reefs and wetlands. Its status as the "bridge of the Americas" also allows Panama to contain birds from North, Central and South America, while its narrow geography and mountains further divide the country into different regions which, in turn, host highly localized species such as the Beautiful Treerunner (Margarornis bellulus) and Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno).

Panama Birding Tours

We offer personalized itineraries and group discounts

Save up to $500 by booking multiple trips together!

Western Panama

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We will visit world-famous locations like La Amistad International Park and Barú Volcano National Park, which have been declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO due to their unique flora and fauna, among other local areas of interest.

From high cloud forests to the lowlands of both the Pacific and Caribbean slopes, this trip provides opportunities for species like the Resplendent Quetzal – widely considered the most beautiful bird in the world! Other possibilities include Wrenthrush, Spangle-cheeked Tanager, Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher, colorful hummingbirds, and more.

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Panama Canal Area

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Visit world-renowned birding hotspots like Pipeline Road, Soberanía and Chagres National Parks, Achiote Road, and the foothills of Cerro Azúl, as well as local wetlands.

We may encounter foraging Black-chested Jays or Purple-throated Fruitcrows, large insectivores like Black-breasted Puffbird or Great Jacamar, or even mixed flocks that could include various species of antbirds, Black-crowned Antshrike, Plain Xenops, Olivaceous Flatbill, and the nearly endemic Southern Bentbill. The skies above could yield White Hawk, Bat Falcon, Black Hawk-eagle, or even a majestic King Vulture.

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As we travel from Panama City to the end of the Pan-American Highway in the Darién Gap, we'll stop at various hotspots where we may see Rusty-winged Antwren, Orange-crowned Oriole, Chocó Sirystes, Chocó Elaenia, and the nearly endemic Black Oropendola.

The highlight would be seeing the national bird of Panama: the Harpy Eagle!

Weather permitting, we may also venture to a high-elevation cloud forest for endemics like Tacarcuna Chlorospingus, Varied Solitaire, and Beautiful Treerunner.

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The For Conservation tour series is a joint venture between ADOPTA and Advantage Panama Tours, a registered tour operator with more than 20 years of birdwatching experience.

Discover the birds of Panama while supporting local conservation efforts. 100% of the profits of these tours are donated to ADOPTA to support programs for rainforest conservation, scientific research, environmental education, and community development.

For more information and prices, please contact us at: