Quindina kuna

Quindina kuna

Quindina kuna

Quindina kuna

Quindina kuna


An arachnid with very large legs compared to its small (about 3 mm long) body. Dark brown overall, the top part of its body is covered in small, yellowish-white tubercles (rounded, protruding structures). The location, color, and size of these tubercles aids in identification (see the following section for comparisons with related species).

Vista dorsal del Q. kuna
Vista lateral del Q. kuna
Top and side views of Quindina kuna from Pinto-da-Rocha & Bragagnolo (2017). Dark line = 1 mm.
Nomoclastidae distribution
Distribution of species in Nomoclastidae from Pinto-da-Rocha & Bragagnolo (2017). Click on the image to view it larger.


To date, this species has only been encountered in Cerro Chucantí.

Biology and Natural History

Nesting behavior: In some ways, the parental role of each sex is reversed in this species: the males construct and protect mud nests underneath fallen logs, which they use to guard their eggs and young. Females generally choose to copulate with males based on the construction of their nest.

Nido de barro de Q. kuna


The species name, "kuna" recognizes the indigenous Kuna people that live in the Darién and San Blás provinces of Panama and adjacent areas of Colombia.


  • Pinto-da-Rocha, R. & C. Bragagnolo (2017). Cladistic analysis of the family Nomoclastidae with descriptions of a new genus and eight new species (Opiliones, Laniatores). Invertebrate Systematics. 31: 91–123. (Link)